Missouri Cherry Blossom Festival

On September 24, 2021 the Missouri Cherry Blossom Festival in Marshfield, Missouri became Sister Festivals with the Peanut Festival in Plains, Georgia!
Members of the Cherry Blossom Festival Committee and Auxiliary traveled to Plains, GA for the ceremony which was covered by WRBL.  Click link to learn more.

WRBL News coverage of the historic signing.

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Check out the YouTube Channel where Missouri Cherry Blossom Videos are posted!  Click on the CBF YouTube under “Social Media Links” on the sidebar menu.  Subscribe to be notified when new content is added!

Plan on coming to this year’s festival!

April 24 – 26, 2025 



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The Cherry Blossom Festival is open to the public and most events that do not include food or a performance are free.  If you are a presidential family descendant and are interested in coming to the festival, please email presidentfamily@cherryblossomfest.com.  We look forward to hearing from you!


CherryBlossumFest from Alejandro Gomez on Vimeo.

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“Here in this tiny town, one weekend a year, meet celebrities, noted authors, humanitarians, presidential descendants, historical luminaries from all over the world. They share with attendees their lives, their struggles and achievements, encouraging and entertaining. This most unusual place and event should be on everyone’s bucket list to attend at least once. However, once you attend, you will be drawn back to return, again and again.”

~ Joseph Yakovetic

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Dawn Wells and Mo Rocca at the Missouri Walk of Fame

Click here to see the CBS Sunday Morning with Mo Rocca segment aired February 14, 2016.

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The Missouri Cherry Blossom Festival in Marshfield, MO is an annual three-day event in the spring that celebrates the city of Marshfield and the state of Missouri.  Activities are varied and are scheduled throughout the event.  There are opportunities for vendors to sell and customers to buy crafts, food, books and many other wonderful things.  There are fun activities for the entire family and special speakers are brought in that are both entertaining and educational.  People and events that have impacted our city, state, and nation are honored and remembered at a luncheon, dinner or special ceremony held during the three day event.

Descendants of Presidents are invited to come and share their stories. Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Cleveland, Ford, these are just a few of the Presidents that have been represented at the Cherry Blossom Festivities. Celebrities with ties to Missouri are also invited.  Browse the site to see pictures and read some of the exciting things that have occurred in the past or better yet, start planning on attending next year’s celebration at the Missouri Cherry Blossom Festival in Marshfield, MO!

We look forward to seeing you at the

2024 Missouri Cherry Blossom Festival

April 24, 25, & 26! 

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