NOTE: Eric Roberts, due to new scheduling conflicts, will be unable to attend the Nostalgia Fest on Thursday and Friday. He will be signing autographs in a special signing on Wednesday, April 24 ONLY from 7 PM – 9 PM at the Marshfield Community Center
Thursday, April 25th
(10 AM- 4 PM)- Cherry Blossom Quilt Show, sponsored by the Cherry Blossom Auxiliary- Marshfield Assembly of God (Back Hallway)
9 AM- “WW II Patriot Breakfast”- Honoring the veterans of WW II and commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day. The breakfast will be a tribute to America’s Greatest Generation. Program includes interviews with Louis Graziano (last living witness to the German surrender of WW II), Jack Hamlin (D-Day survivor) and Mary Jean Eisenhower (granddaughter of President Dwight D. Eisenhower)- Benefiting the Marshfield Veterans Day Parade Committee- Moderator, Daniel Essary- Son-Rise Christian Church- Tickets are $25 per person.
9 AM- “Quilts of Mayberry: Patterns Reminiscent of the People, Places, and Things of The Andy Griffith Show”- Johnna Clarke, Missouri native and Mayberry enthusiast will share a variety of her mother’s hand sewn quilts as well as her own creations that tell the story of Andy, Opie, Aunt Bee, and the folks of Mayberry- Marshfield Assembly of God
10 AM- “Remembering the Westerns and Cowboys of Yesteryear” Panel featuring actress who starred and worked in the classic Westerns- Beverly Washburn (Wagon Train, The Texan, The Lone Ranger), Karolyn Grimes (Rio Grande, Albuquerque) and Charlotte Stewart (Gunsmoke, The Cheyenne Social Club)- Marshfield Assembly of God
11:05 AM- Interview with American actress, Tina Cole (Katie Douglas, My Three Sons) about her book, “My Three Lives: A Memoir”- Moderator, William Anderson – Marshfield Assembly of God
11 AM- 1 PM- Enchilada Dinner benefiting the Fordland Memorial Library- Marshfield Assembly of God Fellowship Hall- Tickets: $10 per person, pay at the door (to-go orders available).
Noon- The 2nd Annual Carolyn Grinnell Luncheon for fans of The Waltons television show. The late Carolyn Grinnell was the Founder and longtime President of the Waltons International Fan Club. David Harper (Jim Bob, The Waltons) and David Doremus (G.W. Haines, The Waltons) will be interviewed, and Harper will be honored – Son-Rise Christian Church- Tickets are $25 per person.
1 PM- Dean Butler (Almanzo Wilder, Little House on the Prairie) will be interviewed about his new book, “Prairie Man: My Little House Life & Beyond”. Book signing will follow in the church foyer- Marshfield Assembly of God
2:30 PM- Cherry Blossom Tea, Lesley Ann Warren (Cinderella, Rodgers & Hammerstein’s-1965) will speak at the Cinderella-themed tea- Hats are highly encouraged for this event- Marshfield Community Center- Tickets: $12 per person.
4:35 PM- “Legends of Television and Screen” Panel featuring actors and actresses from several classic television shows and cinema classics- Stan Livingston (My Three Sons), Mindi Miller (The Big Turnaround), Larry Mathews (Dick Van Dyke Show), Johnny Whitaker (Family Affair), Rebecca Holden (Knight Rider), Cynthia Pepper (Kissin’ Cousins), Mimi Gibson (One Hundred and One Dalmations-1961) and others- Marshfield Assembly of God
4 PM- 7 PM- Fish Fry to benefit the Vivian Stuber Memorial Library in Niangua. Kollin Bailey will perform during the event from 6-7 PM- Marshfield Assembly of God Fellowship Hall- Tickets: $10 per person, pay at the door (to-go orders available).
5:45 PM- “Star Trek: The Original Series Memories” Panel featuring Sean Kenney (Fleet Captain Christopher Pike), Sandra Gimpel (The Cage) and Beverly Washburn (Arlene Galway, The Deadly Years). The panel will feature memories of working on the original series- Marshfield Assembly of God
7 PM- The Spyres Family Concert- Featuring Sir Michael Spyres, Tara Stafford-Spyres, Sean Spyres and Erica Spyres in an enchanting evening of world class music- Benefiting the Ozarks Lyric Opera- Carl and Glessie Young Community Auditorium (Marshfield High School)- Tickets are $25 per person (General Seating).

Friday, April 26th
(10 AM- 4 PM)- Cherry Blossom Quilt Show, sponsored by the Cherry Blossom Auxiliary- Marshfield Assembly of God (Back Hallway)- (Free Event)
(10 AM- 3 PM)- Nostalgia Fest Autograph Show- Featuring VIP guests of the Cherry Blossom Festival- Marshfield Community Center- (Free Admission)
(12 PM- 6 PM)- Cherry Vendor Palooza (Crafts and Vendors) on the historic Marshfield square
(1 PM- 4 PM)- The Laura Ingalls Wilder Home and Museum in Mansfield, MO presents a traveling exhibit on the life of Laura Ingalls Wilder- Webster County Museum (Free Admission)
(1 PM- 4 PM)- Drop off pies for Annual Cherry Pie Contest & Auction (held in conjunction later with the Hubble Dinner)- Marshfield Assembly of God Fellowship Hall- for more information call 417-241-0222.
8 AM- Laura Ingalls Wilder Home and Museum hosts, “Nellie’s Breakfast”-Alison Arngrim (Nellie Oleson, Little House on the Prairie) will host a breakfast celebrating the 50th anniversary of Little House on the Prairie. Program panel featuring stars from the classic television show: Dean Butler (Almanzo Wilder), Charlotte Stewart (Miss Beadle), Pamela Roylance (Sarah Carter), Wendi Lou Lee (Baby Grace), Jennifer Donati (Baby Rose) and Patrick Labyorteaux (Andy Garvey) -Benefiting the Laura Ingalls Wilder Children’s Literature Festival- Sponsored by Federal Construction- Marshfield Assembly of God Fellowship Hall- Tickets are $25 per person and can be purchased online (Eventbrite) at or by calling 808-345-4975.
9:30 AM- Annual Missouri Walk of Fame Ceremony- Honoring six famous Missourians with stars on the historic Walk of Fame. Honorees include: Dick Van Dyke (Actor), Leona Williams (Singer), Mary Lou Turner (Singer), Almanzo Wilder (Pioneer), Sir Michael Spyres (Singer) and Carl Mays (Baseball). The Flight Bound Honor Choir from Highlandville Elementary School in the Spokane R-7 School District will perform as well- Marshfield Assembly of God (Free Event)
10:35 AM- “60th Anniversary of the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy” Panel featuring witnesses to the fateful day in American History, historians, and a family member- Moderator, Richard LaMotte- Marshfield Assembly of God (Free Event)
11:30 AM- Robert and Edith Garst History Convocation- The United States District Court for the Western District of Missouri will naturalize nearly 45 new citizens. The citizenship ceremony will be held at the Carl and Glessie Young Community Auditorium. Applicants represent nearly 30 countries. The Honorable M. Douglas Harpool will preside over the ceremony. Marshfield High School Concert Choir and Massee McKinley will perform- Keynote speaker will be Mary Jean Eisenhower (Granddaughter of President Dwight D. Eisenhower)- (Free Event)
12:45 PM- Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield Foundation Luncheon- Program will feature an interview with Bill Pool (Son of a Union Veteran, Charles Pool-Co. D, 6th WV Vols). Pool is the last known Real Son in the nation and is a veteran of the Battle of the Bulge. Moderator, Tim Pletkovich (Author/Editor, Civil War Fathers: Sons of the Civil War in WW II)- Benefiting the Wilson’s Creek Battlefield Foundation- Marshfield Assembly of God Fellowship Hall- Tickets are $25 per person and can be purchased by calling 417-861-9905 or online at
2:15 PM- Ella Dickey Literacy Awards, Honoring: David Jerome, Tina Cole (My Three Sons), Wendi Lou Lee (Baby Grace, Little House on the Prairie), Beverly Washburn (Old Yeller), Sean Kenney (Star Trek-Fleet Captain Christopher Pike) and Michael Hingson (9-11 Survivor)-The Blue Jay Singers will perform as well- Marshfield Assembly of God (Free Event)
3:30 PM- Dr. Larry Cook (Presidential Historian) will speak about “Rosalynn Carter: First Lady, Humanitarian and Friend “- Marshfield Assembly of God (Free Event)
4:35 PM- 13th Annual Dred and Harriet Scott Reconciliation Forum entitled, “We See Through A Glass Darkly” with Lynne Jackson (great, great granddaughter of Dred and Harriet Scott) and Rachel Leavitt- Marshfield Assembly of God (Free Event)
5:30 PM- Cindy Wilson (Author) will speak about “Charles Wood Irish, the Surveying of the Dakota Central Railroad, and the Ingalls Connection”- Program will be about her recent book, “We Suffered Much: Charles Wood Irish and the Dakota Territory Railroad Survey of 1879-1881,” which follows the activities and adventures of the men who set the route of the rail line that spurred the development of towns such as De Smet, Dakota Territory, made famous by the Little House series of books by Laura Ingalls Wilder- Marshfield Assembly of God (Free Event)
6:30 PM- Edwin P. Hubble Medal of Initiative Dinner presenting Marshfield’s highest honor to several outstanding Americans. Honoring: Donnie Dunagan (Original Voice of Bambi), Clifton Truman Daniel (Grandson of President Harry S Truman), Andrew Greer (Dove award nominated singer, songwriter, and producer) and Massee McKinley (Society of Presidential Descendants)- Marshfield Assembly of God Fellowship Hall- Tickets are $30 per person and can be purchased online (Eventbrite) or by calling 417-860-4996.
Saturday, April 27th
(9 AM- Until the plants are gone)- Evelyn Hampton Garden Club’s 4th Annual Plant Sale at The Dickey House.
(10 AM- 1 PM)- Cherry Blossom Quilt Show, sponsored by the Cherry Blossom Auxiliary- Marshfield Assembly of God (Back Hallway)- (Free Event)
(10 AM- 2 PM)- Nostalgia Fest Autograph Show- Featuring VIP guests of the Cherry Blossom Festival- Marshfield Community Center- (Free Admission)
(9 AM- 4 PM)- Cherry Vendor Palooza (crafts and vendors) on the historic Marshfield square
(1 PM- 4 PM)- The Laura Ingalls Wilder Home and Museum in Mansfield, MO presents a traveling exhibit on the life of Laura Ingalls Wilder- Webster County Museum (Free Admission)
9 AM- Travel back in time for a visit with President Calvin Coolidge as portrayed by reenactor and filmmaker Tracy Messer-. As a reenactor and historian, Tracy draws in his audiences through storytelling to create a better understanding of our 30th president. Moderator, Jennifer Harville (Great Granddaughter of President Calvin Coolidge)- Marshfield Assembly of God (Free Event)
9:15 AM- 2nd Annual Cherry Blossom Dog Show- Categories (split by large and small dogs) include: Prettiest in Pink, Best Costumed, and Owner-Dog Look Alike- Prizes donated by Sully Loves Sugar and Bomgaars- Historic Marshfield Square (Southwest Side of the Webster County Courthouse- near the Hubble Telescope Replica)- $5 per entry
9:30 AM- Jeep’n for Zuzu’s House- Jeep Run will begin at the Webster County Fairgrounds. The route will be a fun ride throughout Webster County and will end at Zuzu’s House. There they will have food, fun and a time of silent auction and craft items- Proceeds benefit Zuzu’s House (Resource Center for Vulnerable Teens -Registration: $20 per entry- For more information call 417-459-3373
10 AM- “Southwest Missouri Baseball Legends: Carl Mays and Preacher Roe” Panel featuring David Jerome (Baseball Historian and Author) and members of the Carl Mays family- Moderator, Tim Pletkovich (Former Baseball Scout for the Chicago Cubs)- Marshfield Assembly of God (Free Event)
10:30 AM- “Children’s Hour” hosted by Aunt Norma Champion at the library- Aunt Norma Champion hosted “Children’s Hour” on KYTV from 1957-1986- Program is open for children of all ages and will include story time (with special guest David Harrison-Missouri Poet Laureate and famed Children’s Author) and an activity- Webster County Library (Free Event)
11:05 AM- Mary Saputo will speak about “HOLLYWOOD FILMS AND MUSIC – The War Years 1941-1945”-When the United States went to war in December 1941, so did Hollywood. Saputo will speak about the best loved films of that time, as well as iconic songs that kept America going strong- Marshfield Assembly of God (Free Event)
Noon- 14th Annual Marshfield High School Alumni Luncheon- Lola Fern Day’s family will serve her FAMOUS cashew chicken and small cherry pies from the legendary Garbage Can Café – Honoring Janice (Robinson) McDonald (MHS Class of 1964 and former Miss Missouri) and Kollin Bailey (MHS Class of 2019) as Distinguished MHS Alumni- Marshfield First Baptist Church Family Life Center- Advance tickets: $20 per person and can be purchased by calling 417-689-2098 (to-go orders available with advanced purchase).
Noon- 3rd Annual Rosalynn Carter Luncheon- Benefiting the Rosalynn Smith Carter Childhood Garden of Plains, Georgia and celebrating the Cherry Blossom Festival’s sister festival relationship with the Peanut Festival in Plains. “Memories of Rosalynn Carter” will feature her family members and several longtime friends of the late former First Lady- The fried chicken luncheon will reflect a Southern menu- Marshfield Assembly of God Fellowship Hall-Tickets are $25 per person and can be purchased online (Eventbrite) or by calling 808-345-4975.
1:30 PM- “National First Ladies Day” Panel featuring members of the National First Ladies Day Commission as they speak about the National Day of Service, which honors the nations First Ladies. Participants include: Mary Jean Eisenhower (Granddaughter of Mamie Eisenhower), Massee McKinley (Great Nephew of Ida Saxton McKinley, Rev. Nicholas W. Inman (Founder, First Ladies Day), Clifton Truman Daniel (Grandson of Bess Truman), Andrew Och (First Ladies Man), Jennifer Harville (Great Granddaughter of Grace Coolidge) and James Carter (Grandson of Rosalynn Carter). Moderator, Dr. Larry Cook (Presidential Historian)- Marshfield Assembly of God (Free Event)
2 PM- 2nd Annual Chicken Show on the historic Marshfield Square (Southwest Side of the Webster County Courthouse- near the Hubble Telescope Replica)- Categories include: Best Costumed and Most Creative Costume- Hosted by Heartbeat of the Ozarks 4-H (Free Event)
2:30 PM- Ulysses Grant Dietz (Great, Great Grandson of President Ulysses S. and Julia Grant) will speak about “Julia & Ulysses Grant: Dancing on the Edge of the Gilded Age”- Presented in partnership with the Missouri Humanities Council-Marshfield Assembly of God (Free Event)
3:30 PM- Interview with 9-11 Survivor, Michael Hingson (Author)- Hingson (who is visually impaired) will recount how he escaped the World Trade Center by walking down 78 flights of stairs with his guide dog, Roselle- Moderator, Mary Achor (Presidential Historian)- Marshfield Assembly of God (Free Event)
4:35 PM- “Presidential Family Forum”- Featuring descendants of American Presidential Families- Moderator, Dr. Larry Cook (Presidential Historian)- Marshfield Assembly of God (Free Event)
7 PM- The 14th Annual State Dinner will feature Clifton Truman Daniel (Grandson of President Harry S and Bess Truman) as the keynote speaker. His speech will be in honor of National First Ladies Day- Marshfield Community Center-Tickets are $65 per person and can be purchased online (Eventbrite) or by calling 417-860-4996. This is a pink tie event (doors open at 6:30 PM)
*Schedule is subject to change.
Sunday, April 28th