Dr. Jeanine Roose

I was born and have lived all of my life in the environs of Hollywood.   Just before my 8th birthday I auditioned for a role on the Jack Benny Radio Show as the older daughter, “Baby Alice” of Phil Harris. This began my professional acting career which was mainly on the radio. “It’s A Wonderful Life” was the only movie that I was in and it has been an amazing lifetime experience to have been in such a collectively meaningful picture. My life was busy with school, singing, dancing, piano and other lessons and performing on a variety of radio shows.   From age 8 to 17 I was under contract to NBC to perform on the Phil Harris – Alice Faye Show as “Baby Alice”.

My acting career ended when I entered UCLA and made the decision to not pursue performing arts as a major. Instead I wanted to pursue a career in a helping profession.   The first form of this was Nursing, but for some reason it did not fully satisfy my wish to help others. Eventually it became clear that my desire was specifically to help others who were struggling with finding meaning in their life – not unlike Clarence in the movie who helps George see the meaning of his life. This led to my becoming a Psychologist and finally a Jungian Analyst. I have the great privilege of working with many individuals who are engaged in what I know as the “individuation” process of fulfilling their lives in a meaningful, personal way.

My greatest delight is my family. I have a son, Joe and four stepdaughters from my second marriage: Nancy, Janet, Linda and Naomi. I am the very proud grandmother of six grandchildren and one great grandchild ranging in age from 6 to 26. Joe, and his wife, Melissa, have given me two delightful grandsons, Cameron and Austin. Naomi and her wife Janna have given me twins, Kate and Gavin. Janet and Ken, the parents of Rebecca, and Linda, the mother of Nikki and her grandson, Aiden, are also part of my beloved family. They all have taught me to play, which was something that was missing in my childhood and that I treasure.

All in all I have had, and continue to have, “A Wonderful Life”.

Author: Cherry Blossom Festival