On September 24, 2021 the Missouri Cherry Blossom Festival in Marshfield, Missouri became Sister Festivals with the Peanut Festival in Plains, Georgia!
Members of the Cherry Blossom Festival Committee and Auxiliary traveled to Plains, GA for the ceremony which was covered by WRBL. Click link to learn more.
WRBL News coverage of the historic signing.
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Check out the YouTube Channel where Missouri Cherry Blossom Videos are posted! Click on the CBF YouTube under “Social Media Links” on the sidebar menu. Subscribe to be notified when new content is added!
Plan on coming to this year’s festival!
April 24 – 26, 2025
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The Cherry Blossom Festival is open to the public and most events that do not include food or a performance are free. If you are a presidential family descendant and are interested in coming to the festival, please email presidentfamily@cherryblossomfest.com. We look forward to hearing from you!
CherryBlossumFest from Alejandro Gomez on Vimeo.
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“Here in this tiny town, one weekend a year, meet celebrities, noted authors, humanitarians, presidential descendants, historical luminaries from all over the world. They share with attendees their lives, their struggles and achievements, encouraging and entertaining. This most unusual place and event should be on everyone’s bucket list to attend at least once. However, once you attend, you will be drawn back to return, again and again.”
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Click here to see the CBS Sunday Morning with Mo Rocca segment aired February 14, 2016.
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The Missouri Cherry Blossom Festival in Marshfield, MO is an annual three-day event in the spring that celebrates the city of Marshfield and the state of Missouri. Activities are varied and are scheduled throughout the event. There are opportunities for vendors to sell and customers to buy crafts, food, books and many other wonderful things. There are fun activities for the entire family and special speakers are brought in that are both entertaining and educational. People and events that have impacted our city, state, and nation are honored and remembered at a luncheon, dinner or special ceremony held during the three day event.
Descendants of Presidents are invited to come and share their stories. Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Cleveland, Ford, these are just a few of the Presidents that have been represented at the Cherry Blossom Festivities. Celebrities with ties to Missouri are also invited. Browse the site to see pictures and read some of the exciting things that have occurred in the past or better yet, start planning on attending next year’s celebration at the Missouri Cherry Blossom Festival in Marshfield, MO!
We look forward to seeing you at the
2024 Missouri Cherry Blossom Festival
April 24, 25, & 26!
I would like to attend but need to know the schedule of events.
Will cover the cost of lunch and any activities when I know what is available.
Thank you, Bruce Rench
Thursday and Friday posted today, still waiting on confirmation of Saturday schedule and should post soon. All ticked events are already posted. The remainder are all free events.
Hello, I will be attending for the first time this year. What is the best opportunity to meet with the celebrity guests that attend?
Thank you!
The Nostalgia Fest Autograph Show. Look on the Friday and Saturday schedule for times. More information will be coming in the future of the show, including a flyer. There is no admission charge. Celebrities set their own prices for photos and autographs.
Which cast members of Little House will be there?
Best place to stay updated on the current attendee list is probably the Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/MOCherryBlossomFest/, or scroll through the photos on the 2025 page or main page of the website to see all confirmed guests. More are added all the time!
Hello my name is pat molloy, and I’m trying to get information for my band to be booked in the evening after the main events are over. Our band is called the forestwood boys and we do mostly 60s and 70s music, we have a Facebook page and many videos on YouTube. This is our 10th year playing out. Maybe you can give me an idea on who I can talk to. Thank you pat molloy 314 250 1306
Patrick, Click on the vendor form link to find contact information for Rachel Andrews. She is in charge of entertainment around the square.
Will Richard Thomas from the Waltons be at the Cherry Blossom Festival this year.
Yes, He is one of the photos on the scroll of photos for guests this year 🙂
My family would love to see the cast of Little House and the Waltons. Do we have to buy tickets to see them and are they sold out already?
Thank you, Erin Smith
I see a few Walton Luncheon tickets available, still! There is no charge for the autograph show. The celebrities set their own prices for their autographs and photos. It costs nothing to meet them.
I am planning on traveling almost 5 hours to attend this event. The main purpose of attending is to meet Gerry Mathers. I am not sure of what to expect or if I need to purchase tickets for a meet and greet. Could you please provide more information on this?
There is no admission charge for the autograph show. The celebrities set their own prices for their photos and autographs. The Thursday and Friday schedules posted today. Hoping to have Saturday soon!
Where can I find a daily schedule on the website?
Thank you,
Thursday and Friday posted today! Hoping to have full schedule soon!
Do you have a calendar of events for this year’s festival? We are coming to Marshfield to see Sharon Baird. We hope to coordinate our plans with her schedules appearances because we also have business appointments in Branson. Thank you! Wishing you every success with your 2025 Festival!
Thursday and Friday posted today! Hoping to have full schedule soon!
I had a few questions I hope you can answer. What time does it start every day, and until what time? As we have our rooms booked to come there, I was also wondering where in Marshfield is it located? Is there a schedule of events? How is the parking? I sure appreciate any help you can give on this, thanks so much.
Randy, The full schedules will be posted soon along with a printable schedule which will have addresses for each event. I posted the schedule for Thursday and Friday today. Saturday should be coming soon. The major locations are the Marshfield Assembly of God, the Marshfield Community Center, the historic town square and several other locations. Looking forward to the schedule!
Is there a parade?
There is no parade scheduled this year. The two years we tried to have a parade in the past, it rained epic amounts! I think we have decided that it isn’t a good idea 🙂
Are Jerry Mathers and John Provost going to be there all weekend.
Keep eye out on Facebook page or website as more information is posted. Thursday and Friday schedules were posted today. Saturday should be coming soon.
Good Morning, i am trying to locate the schedule for when and where Richard Thomas and David Harper will be during the festival. I see the information for Kami Cotler, but only that Richard and David will be VIP guests.
The Nostalgia Fest Autograph Show poster has been posted with the information showing who will attend the autograph show on Friday and Saturday. Keep an eye out for the final printed schedule off all panels to see if they are part of a panel as well.
Hello! My great x 7 grandfather was Israel Boone. I would be interested in connecting with any other descendants of the Boone family that will be in attendance. How would I connect? Thank you!
Do you know the dates for 2026 yet
It is always the last Thursday, Friday and Saturday in April. So, looking at the calendar that would be April 23-25, 2026.