Missouri Cherry Blossom Festival

On September 24, 2021 the Missouri Cherry Blossom Festival in Marshfield, Missouri became Sister Festivals with the Peanut Festival in Plains, Georgia!
Members of the Cherry Blossom Festival Committee and Auxiliary traveled to Plains, GA for the ceremony which was covered by WRBL.  Click link to learn more.

WRBL News coverage of the historic signing.

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Check out the YouTube Channel where Missouri Cherry Blossom Videos are posted!  Click on the CBF YouTube under “Social Media Links” on the sidebar menu.  Subscribe to be notified when new content is added!


Plan on coming to this year’s festival!

April 24 – 26, 2025 


(Slideshow from last year’s festival. Stay tuned for updated 2025 information.)


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The Cherry Blossom Festival is open to the public and most events that do not include food or a performance are free.  If you are a presidential family descendant and are interested in coming to the festival, please email presidentfamily@cherryblossomfest.com.  We look forward to hearing from you!


CherryBlossumFest from Alejandro Gomez on Vimeo.

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“Here in this tiny town, one weekend a year, meet celebrities, noted authors, humanitarians, presidential descendants, historical luminaries from all over the world. They share with attendees their lives, their struggles and achievements, encouraging and entertaining. This most unusual place and event should be on everyone’s bucket list to attend at least once. However, once you attend, you will be drawn back to return, again and again.”

~ Joseph Yakovetic

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Dawn Wells and Mo Rocca at the Missouri Walk of Fame
Dawn Wells & Mo Rocca on the Missouri Walk of Fame in Marshfield, MO (Photo Credit: CBS News)

Click here to see the CBS Sunday Morning with Mo Rocca segment aired February 14, 2016.

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The Missouri Cherry Blossom Festival in Marshfield, MO is an annual three-day event in the spring that celebrates the city of Marshfield and the state of Missouri.  Activities are varied and are scheduled throughout the event.  There are opportunities for vendors to sell and customers to buy crafts, food, books and many other wonderful things.  There are fun activities for the entire family and special speakers are brought in that are both entertaining and educational.  People and events that have impacted our city, state, and nation are honored and remembered at a luncheon, dinner or special ceremony held during the three day event.


Descendants of Presidents are invited to come and share their stories. Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Cleveland, Ford, these are just a few of the Presidents that have been represented at the Cherry Blossom Festivities. Celebrities with ties to Missouri are also invited.  Browse the site to see pictures and read some of the exciting things that have occurred in the past or better yet, start planning on attending next year’s celebration at the Missouri Cherry Blossom Festival in Marshfield, MO!

We look forward to seeing you at the

2024 Missouri Cherry Blossom Festival

April 25, 26, & 27! 



61 thoughts on “Missouri Cherry Blossom Festival

  1. Just saw the segment on CBS Sunday Morning about the Cherry Blossom Festival. I am second cousin twice removed of Harry S Truman. I live in nearby Kimberling City. Please tell me more about the Presidential Descendants scheduled activities.


    Jim Wright

    1. Mr. Wright, I forwarded your information to the chairman, Rev. Nicholas Inman. We would love to have you come to the festival! Most of the activities are posted on the website (See 2016 Scheduled Events under 2016 dropdown on the main menu).

  2. I’m a descendant of Andrew Jackson’s family on the Jackson side as well as Eliza Jumel (interesting combination) and I have never heard of this event until today. It could be interesting.

    J. Lowe

    1. Mr. Lowe, We would love for you to come to a festival! Had never heard of Eliza Jumel so I Googled 🙂 She lived a very interesting life! I forwarded your information to the chairman, Rev. Nicholas Inman.

  3. Just saw the Sunday Morning First Family segment. i am a 1st cousin, 4 times removed to Sbraham Lincoln on my Mothers side. Also (distant ) cousin to Clarence Darrow on my mom side. I would like moe information on this years festival. And events. Thank you!

    1. Kimberley, This website is the best place to look at information on the events happening this year. Schedules and expected guests can be found under 2016 on the menu. The website will be updated often leading up to the festival this year, so keep checking back! If you are on Facebook, you can also follow us there at https://www.facebook.com/MOCherryBlossomFest!

  4. I was thrilled to see this story on the CBS Sunday Morning show. I live in St. Louis but grew up in Tennessee. I am a descendant of James Knox Polk. In addition, my great grandmother’s family were neighbors and friends of the Jefferson Davis family when they lived in Memphis for a few years after the war. In another branch of our family, my great-great grandfather, who was a Union sympathizer and acquaintance of Gen. Grant, once helped him escape capture when it was learned that Confederate soldiers were approaching my great-great grandfather’s house in Collierville, TN where General Grant had stopped briefly. My great-great grandfather was rewarded by Grant in later years with an appointment as Postmaster in Memphis.

    I already feel I will be meeting old friends at this year’s event and look forward to attending. It looks as though the events are free but I wondered if reservations or tickets were necessary for any of the descendant events.

    1. Phoebe, Thanks for your comment! I forwarded your information to the email for presidential descendants (presidentfamily@cherryblossomfest.com). You are correct that all events that do not have food are free. Tickets are required for the meal events and they sell out fast. The contact numbers are on the 2016 page. Looking forward to meeting you this year!

  5. I was delighted to learn about your festival! As an African American descendant of Thomas Jefferson and his wife Martha (their great-great grandson, was my great-grandfather), I’d like to learn more about the reunion events. I’m also related to Sally Hemings – her brother, Peter, was my great-great-great grandfather. Yes, it’s complicated. Please forward information about your upcoming reunion and opportunities for my family’s participation. Thank you!

  6. Hi! I saw the show on your celebration yesterday morning on Sunday Morning. Abraham Lincoln’s great-great-great grandfather was my 6X grandfather on my father’s side. I’m not sure what that exactly makes us, some kind of cousin I think. I would love to attend this year, if I can talk my sister into coming with me. Sounds like fun!

    1. Karen, It is open to the public and is so much fun! Be sure and browse the website to see all the different things that are happening this year.

  7. My grandmother’s maiden name was Ruth Cleveland, she was 1st cousin to Grover. I live near Marshfield and never heard of this festival until CBS aired it. Shame on the local Springfield stations for not advertising this event. Sounds fun.

  8. Hello – I have recently been made aware of your festival, as my aunt saw the segment of CBS referencing the attendance by descendants of US Presidents. As a direct descendant of President John Adams (I am a 5x great grandson), through his son, Charles, I am very interested in attending, and have notified others in the family to see if they can as well.

  9. Where is nearby accommodation? Is the Budget Inn in Conway to far if I can’t get hotel in Marshfield? Should I go to Lebanon?

    1. If you make reservations early, you should be able to get accommodations in Marshfield. Strafford is another community nearby that has a motel, probably about same distance away as Conway going the other direction. Also, Marshfield is located about 1/2 way between Springfield and Lebanon, so either one of those would be good options (again depending upon whether you wanted to go to the west with Springfield or to the east with Lebanon).

  10. Chat Conversation Start
    MON 4:25PM
    My friends Alison Arngrim<Margaret Kerry and others have told me what a wonderful festival you have! I have dear friends in St Louis Mary Pillsbury and Donna Linn whom I have visited often in Missouri on my appearance schedule as Cissy on TVs Family Affair and my book tours promoting my m books Surviving Cissy My Family Affair of Life in Hollywood, X child Stars: where are they now and my first book the Family Affair Cookbook – I need to do a reprint of that one and add a cherry Pie recipe! Id love to attend your festival this year! I am a motivational speaker and have given speeches on the Power of perseverance and certainly all our presidents have had to persevere to get to where they were going – especially the candidates this year! Or as a speec major form UCLA perhaps I could moderate one of your panels such as TV legends Please check out my website http://www.kathygarver.com and my IMDB page http://www.IMDB.com/name/nm0308744 Wheat is our next step? Thanks and Happy Election day! next stp a

    1. Yes they both are attending. Schedules are being added to show when guests are scheduled to appear.

  11. Hello interested in joining your event we have a food wagon. I am not sure who I need to reach out to please contact me at 573-453-8250
    Thank you

    1. The events are a different venues around the city. I know there is handicapped parking at all the church locations and would assume that there should be in all the others as well.

  12. I would like to have our B & B listed as a place to stay for the festival. Please view our website
    we currently have 3 rooms to rent

    Promised Land Farm B&B
    269 Clearwater Dr
    Fordland, MO 65652

    Rev. Dr. Madlyn Ruch, Owner

  13. I organize a Sr. Citizen’s day trip group and they would like to come to this in 2018. I was wondering if the festival will be the last full weekend of April again? I know this seems an odd question since it is so far out, but our trips are planned 8mos at a time.
    Thank you for your time!

    1. Amanda, Sorry for missing your message! Yes, it is always the last full Thursday, Friday, Saturday of April.

    1. Larry, Thank you for your interest in the 2018 festival. The festival dates are always the last full Thursday, Friday & Saturday in April. This year that will be April 26, 27 & 28. We usually will have an opening concert on Wednesday night as the kickoff to the festival.

  14. Hi,

    My name is Victoria Millett, and I began crafting jewelry a couple of years ago. I have been successful at the events I have attended this year. I was working on a schedule for 2018, when I came across your festival. I am interested in attending your event as a vendor, and I make a mean cherry pie (I see there is a cherry pie contest). Could you please send me an application for vendors, and the details for the cherry pie contest. I live in Springfield.

    Thank you so much,

    1. Victoria, Thank you for your interest! The Vendor Forms are available through the link in the sidebar menu.

  15. Heard Elvis Presley’s last love fiance’ Ginger Alden is one author Honoree’,and Mother Delores Hart from King Creole will be attending.Miss Alden’s book was fantastic.Hope she would sign my copy..Weather going to be wonderful,so looking forward.Alway’s a great time.

  16. I just today ran across information concerning this festival. I am a first cousin 5x removed from Abraham Lincoln. Sophia Hanks Lynch Legrand was my GGG Grandmother who lived with the Lincoln family for a few years prior to marriage. I will try to attend next year’s festival. Looks like a great time.

    Gary Campbell

    1. I’m not sure I know the answer to that question! Every thing was very well attended last year, but not sure of the actual number.

  17. Please tell me about your town’s cherry blossom viewing opportunities? Is there a map with cherry tree locations? When do you expect the trees to blossom in 2019? How many trees do you have?

    1. Quite a few of the trees blossomed within the past two weeks. Jill Phillips posted some gorgeous pictures of them. Not sure how long the blooms will last.

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